Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stop growing!

So Anneliese is now 3...lucky number three. Lately I have been thinking about having another baby. Mostly because every time I look her and realize she's not really a baby anymore - and it's killing me! Seeing her grow up brings tears to my eyes. I just dont want her to grow...really I don't. So how do I stop her from growing? Which then gets me thinking of another. Although, when I look at Anneliese I feel as though I love her so much that I am afraid of sharing that love. She is my all and I'm not sure I'm ready to share my time between her and someone else. I guess I'm still young, somewhat, lol, so I've got some time. But still...that's what scares me, not giving her all the attention she so truly deserves. To have another or not......

So, sweet baby girl, please stop growing...for Mami...just stay my baby forever :)

1 comment:

  1. loving on you
    and your motherlove:)
    bright summertime grace to you
    and your journey,
